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The first shafts of sunlight, which appear over the mountains of the black forest, will be reflected by the fresh dew. Everywhere glitter and shine on leafs, bushes or trees. Also on the blades of grass the water drops reflect the sun, like small stars.

Every day the condensed air brings fresh energy to the black forest and gives the plants, animals and people life. Who walks at the morning through the black forest can feel this energy of our air and dew - we call it HOLY.DEW. 

working with anters
antlers deco
antlers deco
antlers deco
antlers deco
antlers deco


Our starting point is the selection of objects from the folk art. We use only antlers from german deers, which were followed to the hunting state law (Baden Württemberg) executed - to take care of the wild animals and the environment is very important for HOLY.DEW.

Additionally we take care, that the actual deers will be not hunted for HOLY.DEW - we use historical and older antlers. More Information you get through this link "short antlers knowledge".

The history of crosses, Maria-figures and other objects is us important - we check, that we use traditional elements.
After that, the antlers, crosses and Maria-figures, will be hand-changed. by paints, crystals, leaf Gold, etc. and sealed to protect them from weather and dust. For creativity is no Limit. Everybody will be enthused by the unique antler deco.

We realize the individual customer preferences - just contact us by E-Mail or phone. Describe us your individual wishes and ideas. You know, how your art- & natural-object should look like - in your apartment, office, gallery, restaurant, or other places. HOLY.DEW combines tradition and moderne art.   



When you are in the black forest, you can visit us and see our antlers/ objects. Just call or send us an E-Mail, we will find a good date.


Opening hours:

Mon-Fri: 18:00 pm - 22:00 pm 

Sat-Sun: closed (appointments possibel, please contact us) 

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